Brew Link Cosmic Jacuzzi IPA

Goose Island Chrysos Saison Aged in REd Wine Barrels with Brettanomyces

Stillwater Extra Dry Sake Sylte Saison Ale

Grimm Light Year Double IPA

Lionstone Savage IPA

Birds Fly South Ale Project Paper Airplanes Foudre Blended Brett Pale Ale

Baerlic Nice & Easy Gose

Mountain Fork Hop Time Gal IPA

TO0L Holy Moly Golden Ale MCMLXXXVII
I just want to thank you for being the weird guy that puts up high-res scans of beer labels. I am trying to make a replica print of the Stillwater Extra Dry label and this is exactly what I needed.
I got these from https://www.ttbonline.gov/colasonline/publicSearchColasBasic.do